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What to look for in a deep ripper

Jul 05, 2023

Published: March 6, 2014

Machinery and Shop

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If you’re considering the purchase of a deep ripper implement to remove compaction in your fields, there are a few basic differences to keep in mind.

First, there are a couple of basic shank shapes on the market.

The curved shape on the front of some shanks reduces their draft load, making them easier to pull. But they are more likely to pull up soil from lower depths and mix the soil horizon. That could be a problem in some fields where the layer of topsoil is very shallow, say product reps.


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Straight shanks have no curve, only a slight upward tilt that helps lift and fracture compaction layers. They are less likely to cause mixing of the soil horizon, but they require more horsepower to pull.

Second, there are two basic types of shank release mechanisms: shear pin and automatic reset, which determines how a shank releases when it hits a large rock. Implements with shear pin mechanisms may have lower purchase costs, but are not ideal for rocky conditions, requiring frequent stops to replace broken bolts. Hydraulic- or spring-release ashanks prevent that problem by automatically resetting after hitting an obstruction, just as on any other tillage tool.


Opting for an implement equipped to deep band compaction-ameliorating inputs like calcium or gypsum along with other crop nutrients while it rips may be money well spent, according to some agronomists.

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